The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3252420
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
07-Nov-11 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
""Don, it is true I have only given the Israeli side of the argument.
I think that there are more than enough of you giving the other side.
What is wrong with considering both sides of any debate?

Another example of your inability to read what others say, choosing instead to reply to what you would have preferred them to say.

Check back on my posts in this thread (which you obviously could not be arsed to read fully), and you will find that in almost all of them I have been saying that both sides in this conflict will need to change their attitudes if peace is to be achieved. Jim and Lox have both posted in similar terms, and even Mike has expressed misgivings about Israeli actions, while deploring also Palestinian excess.

This is what you call anti Israel bias?

Yet your input is predominately anti Palestine, and you don't recognise even the possibility that Israel might be partly responsible for the Palestinians' attitude.

I truly do not believe that you have the capacity to understand balanced argument, let alone present one.

As to your other comment, I know that YOU didn't bring Dershowitz into the conversation, but thus far he is the only one who seems willing to take on Finkelstein, and between Finkelstein and Noam Chomsky he is taking a thorough shellacking.

Your ten a penny opposing "experts" seem to consist of just one noted liar, against two PRO Israel genuine experts, who believe that Israel is taking the wrong path.

You do seem to be rather outnumbered. Could it be that you need to re-think.

Don T.