The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3252661
Posted By: MGM·Lion
08-Nov-11 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
DonT ~~ Why "even" Mike? I have been emphatic throughtout that, despite my genetic ancestry and my youthful activities, I hold no brief for present-day Israel: the greatest disappointment of my life, probably; a betrayal of all those youthful hopes.

But I feel bound nevertheless to point out yet again that it was the Arab world that rejected, with violent aggression most hardly repelled by valiant and dedicated resistance, the 1948 settlement that the provisional and then actual government of Israel had accepted; & that I fear there are influential elements among the Palestinians that would not honour any settlement reached by their 'leaders', but would persist with their openly declared aim of 'driving Israel into the sea'. And that Jim, whom you cite as an ally, really does appear to me to object to the very existence of Israel absolutely ab initio and has never AFAICS denied this, & is ∴ full as biased in the anti-Israel direction as you are all joining together in chorus to accuse Keith of being in the pro.
