The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141352   Message #3252927
Posted By: Mysha
08-Nov-11 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14 Nov 2011
Subject: RE: 'This Is Us' UK Launch @ Herga 14/11/11

[presenting a couple of CDs]
I see the verb used here is "Launch" instead: If this is the East of the Ocean launch of This is Us, shouldn't there be a point where they are actually launched? That is after all what the event is about. People come to see and hear the CDs. "Hearing the CDs" is why we sing songs from the CDs, ""Seeing them", well: The MC stands in front of the audience, and starts telling "Long ago the people of Mudcat created the Blue Plate Specials ..."; or: At the start/end of the performance, the artists show the CDs and tell the audience "This is us"; or "Can I take a minunte of your time? We at Mudcat take a lot of Max's time, and we wanted to do something in return ..."; or ... .
In whatever format, actually formally launch the CDs.

[Singing other people's songs]
Indeed, a matter of some preparation, which is why I asked beforehand. Following the format of the Top 2000, which I like, the other performance is the interpretation of the artist performing it live. Eg. I'm adding The Minstrel to my repertoire, but if I were to sing it, it would be slightly different from Tam's version. If she's there, it'll be her singing it, of course, not me.

[Where in London]
Oh, I have all day, so I can meet up wherever there are more Mudcatters present in London. But my hotel is somewhere near Paddington. Anyone know a place to meet a few Mudcatters, and find some simple food, around there?
