The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112409   Message #3253233
Posted By: Genie
08-Nov-11 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Little Shoemaker (French/English/Italian)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Little Shoemaker (Italian portion)
Thanks, Monique. That's good to know.

I realize that ""Que ta volonté soit faite" can be translated "Thy will be done" -- which is the way Google Translate translated it.   (My translation came from my own studies of French + Google translate + my native familiarity with American English verbal expressions.) I just didn't think "Your (Thy) will be done" fit the story line of this song, largely because it does sort of connote something one would say to God.   I took it more as the beautiful girl saying to the shoemaker something to the effect of "OK. You win. Whatever you want. I'll gladly dance with you the rest of my life."