The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #130131   Message #3253292
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Nov-11 - 02:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
Subject: RE: BS: Bloody Sunday Report - AT LAST
It seems that a number of postings have been removed here - a little like arguing with one hand tied behind your back.
What do you suggest is "happening here" - yet another ethnic community with a "cultural implant"?
There really is no end to it with you, is there?
What is "happening here" is that a group of around 8 Travellers out of a population of 300,000 have been arrested and charged with a crime - what cultural significance to you attach to that to that?
'Coincidentally', the case surfaced around the time when one of the most expensive and controversial evictions of all times was about to take place and equally coincidentally, we have heard virtually nothing in the press or the media about the case now that the Dale Farm eviction has been carried out.
You have already attempted to brand one ethnic community as potential perverts because of their culture - are you really going to repeat the exercise with another?
You've made a start with your "over-representation" and you are already ignoring the points being made of common examples of 'slavery' in Britain today; I suppose the next step is to find an "impeccable expert" to blame for the "over-representation" statement so you can claim it was not your opinion but that of an someone you trust completely because you have no knowlege of the subject yourself!!
Get help!!
Jim Carroll