The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141374   Message #3253396
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
09-Nov-11 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: What should you not do at concerts?
Subject: RE: What should you not do at concerts?
'They' tried to ban dancing at the Seth Lakeman gig, backalong at Sidmouth..Even Seth rebelled...invited people to get up and dance if the wanted...

Of course, this was due to Elf 'n' Safetee, allegedly, but most folks poopooed it, broke free and DANCED! At the edges of the gig, I should say, so as not to spoil things...

Bitter? I'm not bitter...I wrote a lot of that with a smile on my face, but I do get pissed off on seeing folks put ear plugs in IN FRONT of artists, then get out their knitting or magazine, purely because they ain't interested in that particular part of the concert...and for no other reason..

Do stop trying to paint me as someone who has downer on folks with disabilites, there's a dear. I know it's your new Avenue, but sadly, you're driving up a dead end...

Disability is one thing....out and out rudeness is quite another..If you don't want to listen to someone's music, then quietly leave, in an unobtrusive way, so as not to upset the performer..

And now, back to all the things you must *never* do...

Oh, and everyone who attends Oysterband gigs knows all about the Mosh Pits at the front...I ain't never seen anyone complain, just rows of very very smiley faces, be they standing up or sitting down, or pogostick dancing... :0)

Onward and Upward in your 'Lizzie's a REAL ol' cow, ain't she, folks' campaign, Dave...