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Thread #141076   Message #3254256
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Nov-11 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"It was not a hostage situation, but was a military action under the Law of Armed Conflict."
It was a miliary incursion aimed at driving Palestinians out of their homes and then buldozing entire streets to the ground - as was shown by the BBC documentary earlier this year - Hamas offered resistance to this as was their duty as an elected leadership). If the Israelis can take measures in self-defence, so can the Palestinians.
Even if it had been "armed conflict", the deliberate killing and putting at risk of civilians in the prevailing circumstances was inexcuseable - as was the use of white phosphorus (non- chemical of course!!) in the confines of a hospital (and backed up by photographed evidence of horrific burns - including to the faces of children)
So at last, we have it right, from the ass's mouth - hostages are expendable?
"The particular aid brought by the flotilla was delivered to a border crossing where the Gazans left it for months."
Then the Istarelis are eejits for continuing with a blockade of rubbish goods?
The fact that "The Gazans were desperate for cancer and heart drugs" is proof of the inhumaity of the Israeli blocked - surely this is something they could have assisted with rather nany (at best) delaying them with a blockade - assuming that they would be let through anyway - the Israeli record indicates otherwise.
Not going to fast for you - or using too many words, am I?
Jim Carroll