The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26795   Message #325428
Posted By: John Hardly
23-Oct-00 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3 Continued
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 3 Continued

Isn't it equally simplistic to say "we'll redistribute the money from those who do worthwhile work to the poor so that they don't have to (because they can't) do work that is beneath them. You know, it is the history of our country that groups have come here poor and, working in chorus at those jobs that you (some) deem too menial, HAVE enjoyed our prosperity. It is elitist to believe that the poor cannot make it without our benificence.


The contention is not that there are (may not be) hungry among us. The arguement centers on whether it is 1. something the government can do anything about, 2. the result of behaviors that will continue, or even get worse, when subsidized. When no behavioral strictures are placed on the largesse the government imparts, it merely "enables" ill behavior. The catch 22 is that we also don't WANT the government to demand moral choices about legal behavior.
