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Thread #141076   Message #3254327
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Nov-11 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Keith, you're arguing in a vacuum. Israel has been a bad neighbor for a long time in the Middle East and the general American population is finally waking to that fact. It's no longer "Israel Good, Arabs Bad" like the old cowboys and Indians: Americans have been the main enablers in this, an awful thing to have to admit, but many of us have been saying so for a long time now.

A subset of Americans - American Jews - offer mixed support of Israel now - they're no longer One Voice supporting the Jewish state. It won't be long before Israel loses a lot of funding that seems to only go to prolonging the state of near-war. If the Israeli political leaders don't control their radical conservatives who stir up the hornets nest (new settlements, the egregious placement of a "security wall" through fertile Palestinian orchards, etc.) there never will be peace.

The Palestinians also have to get their hotheads in line. Elect a workable government. But world opinion is shifting and they're now viewed more as victims than aggressors.

People offer you evidence and you just stand on your old hackneyed soap box parroting the same stuff. I don't know why they bother to argue with you at all. You're not discussing this, you're a broken record.