The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26672   Message #325456
Posted By: Sergio Alguim
23-Oct-00 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
"Baseball players cannot be fat and overweight and physically untrained and play for very long at the pro level. "

Maybe not for a VERY long time, but if they can play on top level for SOME time (a whole season for exampel), I think thats a good proof its not a sport.

"There is a lot of running in baseball, both for fielders and for batters. "

No, there is not. Its just a little bit.

"It's a chess game played with a 9" ball"

There you got it! That sounded better.

I watched some highlights from the game between New York Yankees and New York Metz. I noticed that the guy who is supposed to hit the ball , a lot of times let the ball go, because he thought it was out. It happened many times. Many times....,

I am not an expert on baseball, thats true. You have something that is called home run, right ? Thats when the ball is beeing hitted so hard that it goes out of the field. And the guy who hit it can "run home". But does he have to run ? Can he WALK if he wants, or is there a time limit ?