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Thread #141076   Message #3254835
Posted By: Jim Carroll
11-Nov-11 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"Otherwise, I condemn it absolutely. "
By denying it happened you have supported it
By demoting White phosphorus used against hospital patients to "smokescreen" you have supported it (in spite of the horrific photographs)
By claiming the part played by the Israeli's in the Shatila/Sabra massacres was just "failing to stop it" (they at least providing the transport, opening the gates to let the killers in, providing illumination so they could carry out the killing and rape, and probably actually watching it happen and helping to bury the bodies) - you have supported it.
By claiming "there have been no massacres" you have supported it.
By denying that civilians were not deliberately targeted, despite independent eye witness medical staff accounts and media reporting (or don't you believe the BBC to be independant?) you supported it
By ignoring the forced eviction of Palestinians, the destruction of their homes, the proposed expulsion of the Bedoins - you have supported it
By continuing to ignore the fact that a former Israeli foreign minister has been found guilty of war crimes - you have supported it.
These and all the other human rights abuses and crimes against humanity you have supported with your mealy-mouthed excuses, your lies and distortions and your deliberate self-imposed ignorance YOU ARE A SUPPORTER OF A VICIOUS, ABUSIVE AND EXPANSIONIST REGIME THAT IS NOT ONLY A THREAT TO ITS THIRD-WORLD, IMPOVERISHED NEIGHBOURS, BUT ALSO, BECAUSE OF IT'S NUCLEAR CAPABILITY, TO WORLD PEACE - TO ALL OF US
You are probably the most goose-stepping right-wing sieg hieler I have ever come across, certainly on par with Bluesman - apart from your bullying and bullshitting friend Terrapin - but nobody takes him seriously anyway.
Jim Carroll