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Thread #141076   Message #3256027
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Nov-11 - 05:27 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"In any army, individuals may commit crimes, "
A move away from "it never happened" I suppose, but still mealy-mouthed apologism for the slaughter of civilians.
The troop movement and the bombardments were directed at civilian areas - if you are suggesting that any army moves without orders from above and any command operates independently from government directives - you're crasser than I took you for.
I seem to remember this was your defence of Bloody Sunday - that the ordinary soldier was entirely at fault and the officers in charge were in no way to blame for the massacre (and of course, the Government didn't try to cover it up)
"I am just waiting for someone to provide evidence of it."
No you're not - you're waiting for another set of facts that you can deny ever happened - which is ample reason, as far as I'm concerned, not to bother providing them to someone who seems quite comfortable lending support to atrocities aganst civilians by war criminals - as I said earlier.
Please don't ask for them again.
Jim Carroll