The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3257237
Posted By: GUEST,Teribus
15-Nov-11 - 12:45 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Let us take a look at what Lox regards as so subtle and profound

McGrath of Harlow
Date: 13 Nov 11 - 03:21 PM

The violence carried out by whoever was firing those primitive rockets in the general direction of places where civilians were living was criminal, as well as foolish.

The violence carried out by the IDF in attacking civilian areas throughout Gaza with hi-powered and hi-tech weapons was criminal on a far larger scale.

Selective justification of such violence is shameful.

Of course Kevin is wrong isn't he, he is deliberately canting the table to covince everyone that apples are oranges.

In what respect is Kevin wrong?

Well the first part is correct, Hamas and those who share their views do deliberately target and launch missiles, rockets and mortar rounds at civilian areas with the deliberate intent of causing as many deaths as they possibly can - That is criminal and has been condemned as a crime against humanity by the UN and other Humanitarian Agencies.

The second bit is where Kevin deliberately misrepresents:

The violence carried out by the IDF in attacking civilian areas throughout Gaza

The IDF did not attack civilian areas throughout Gaza, they attacked psoitions within civilian areas where Hamas and their allies chose to hide, but the IDF attacks were directed against combatants - had things actually been described as stated by the likes of MGOH; Carroll and Lox then surely the casualty lists would have been much higher.

As to warnings issued, the IDF used every means possible to warn the civilian population of Gaza of intended attacks and operations. Such means included telephone, SMS, radio, loudspeakers and yes leaflets. Now were they (the IDF) deliberately attacking civilians and civilian areas as Kevin is trying to convince us of - then nothing would have been done.

Not that subtle or profound at all Lox, just typical misrepresentation.