The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141516   Message #3257294
Posted By: GUEST,Germoegirl
15-Nov-11 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: Johnny Silvo - illness (Nov 2011)
Subject: Johnny Silvo
Sad news received from Johnny Silvo's agent, Jackie Grinnell, received this morning:

"I felt I had to contact you to give you the bad news about Johnny. Some of you will already know that he has recently been diagnosed with cancer of a kidney and a lung. Unfortunately it now transpires that the condition is far worse than was thought. He has been given just a few months to live. The information is on the Perrotts Folly website and it will be updated whenever there is any further news. I was speaking to him today on the phone and he sounded just like the old Johnny that everyone knows and loves. He seems to have accepted the inevitable and is determined to enjoy whatever time is left by remembering all the good times and the friends he has made. I'm sorry to be the bearer of such sad tidings. Please feel free to tell others. Johnny wants people to know about this. I'm trying to get the news to all his many friends by one means or another, but there will most likely be some who get overlooked."