The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141419   Message #3257640
15-Nov-11 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Winona and Little Hawk to Wed...
Subject: RE: BS: Winona and Little Hawk to Wed...
I wuz gittin rite fired up about thizzer weddin an all but then i found out it wuz that skinny rider girl and hellfire she aint nuthin. I thot uwazza hitchin up with the real Winona, the one name of Judd. Now thairs a woman where you kin grab on an ride the hi country. Tell ya'.....sheed make bout 27 of them rider types. With the real Winona yall need ta take a sack lunch when yur startin cuz she will wear the average Canadian guy out. Me, well Ide be afrade of puttin the wood to that fake rider.   Sheet-farr.....she iz so skinny Ide be worried my dick mite poke rite thru her ass.