The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3257711
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
15-Nov-11 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
""Instead, according to the report, the committee members "stressed that the lack of precisely settled borders was not an obstacle to statehood.""

Nor should it be, since that lack is engendered by Israel's refusal to accept any limit to their continual incursions into what should be Palestinian territory.

""The majority of UN members fall hook, line and sinker for the Palestinians' victimhood narrative, casting Israel as the villainous oppressor. The truth is precisely the opposite. The Palestinians want a state of their own with the inalienable right of self-determination to decide its character, but continue to reject the Israelis' own inalienable right of self-determination to live securely in the manner they choose to live - as a Jewish state.""

The first sentence really supplied the best laugh I've had in weeks. The Israelis have been playing the "victim of oppression" card for so long that they have come to believe that it gives them the right to oppress whomever they choose, so the truth is emphatically NOT the opposite.

The last sentence is stunning in its lack of comprehension of the way things work.

If the UN agreed to Palestinian Statehood within a defined border it would give protection to the whole of Palestine, including the Gaza strip.

It would also give the same degree of protection to the State of Israel on the other side of said defined border.

Why is it that those who are anti Palestinian statehood cannot see what is right under their noses.

I know why Israel is against it......It would deprive them of the opportunity to annexe more territory for Israeli settlers to colonise.

Don T.