The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141413   Message #3257895
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Nov-11 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Subject: RE: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
As many of you know, I've 'mentioned' to you, about the OWS crowd missing the mark...and about GOVERNMENT corruption...both parties...and it seems to ruffle some feathers......, that there is a 'charade' going on here....and you ARE NOT BEING Represented...but ripped off!....
I was going to post another post, I posted before about this, which warns of the violence, that could be coming, as a result of OWS...and the folks, doing it, were being 'used'....and NOT fully identifying the problem.... Gosh, what did I know????

..funny how those backing the OWS, are the same ones, smokescreening!

..Like I've said, relentlessly, as Little Hawk, has posted, as well...

Well, well, well!!!!!


like I've said,'ve been deceived, and suckered!!!!

Anybody waking up yet!!!

Chalk up another one for 'GfS'!!

Remember the 'Boxer' analogy????