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Thread #141076   Message #3258006
Posted By: beardedbruce
16-Nov-11 - 07:41 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)

Please note the date of the claim in your post- an be aware that the report WAS made, clearing Israel.

Now, please address MY questions of

"Date: 10 Nov 11 - 02:04 PM


In general I agree with you. However, there are points that are NOT addressed the differentiate the two sides. IF you are going to apply the "Both sides the same" rule, then let us look:

The Mandate Palestine was formed in 1921, as a Homeland for the Jews. Arabs were to be given equal rights. By 1923, the Mandate Power decided that it was not practical, nd DIVIDED the Mandate into TransJordan ( 77% of the land, for the percentage of population of the Mandate that was Moslem,) and the remainder, the Palestine that was to be the Jewish Homeland. Jews were forbidden from settling in TransJordan, but were in settlements throughout the West Bank.

Those were the LAST borders that the Arab nations have ever acknowledged as valid. The Peace treaty between Jordan and Israel AFTER 1967 acknowledges them.

When the Arabs attacked Israel in 1947-48, the land was occupied BY THE ARABS and the Jews removed. In total 820,000 Jews, basically all of those in Arab lands, were driven from their homes, and (mostly) settled in Israel. 640,000 Arabs had fled from Israel- which was not even the majority of the Arab population in Israel.

In 1967, Israel reclaimed the land TAKEN BY MILITARY FORCE from the Mandate territory. Any settlements on the West bank can be considered as resettlements of those driven out in 1948.

The Palestinians have attacked the civilian population of Israel directly (IN VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW), while the Israelis have attacked the military target (According to International Law) that the Palestinians PLACED IN CIVILIAN AREAS ( In violation of International Law)

So tell me now WHY DO YOU THINK THE PALESTINIANS are not being treated fairly? Do you want Israel to treat Palestinians as they have treated the Jews under Palestinian control, or worse, as the OTHER Arab nation have treated the Palestinians???

Or are you saying that there is one set of rules for Arabs, and a different set for Jews???"