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Thread #141076   Message #3258604
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Nov-11 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"Jim, how about providing some evidence, like those "independent enquiries" "
You've had your evidence 100 time over Keith; you don't read most of what other people put up and you reject what little you do read out-of-hand if it doesn't happen to fit with your own twisted bigotry and racism - you're noted for it - it has been pointed out to you a dozen times over by others.
Massacres such as Sabra and Shatila are enquired into, published and proven beyond doubt - they are an established part of history. If you are going to dispute such events without debate, without, qualification, without even knowledge of the subject in hand (which you admit, as you have on other subjects when you have resorted to false claims that "I didn't say it - it was somebody else") I can't see why anybody should waste time trying to change the yawning gap that passes for "your mind".
As I said - do your own homework.
Your classic, also out-of-hand dismissal of the international bodies, the UN and UNESCO, representatives of a large slice of the civilised world, as "biased" stand as a monument to your own viciously narrow way of looking at life.
As far as I'm concerned, it is enough that your support for the use of chemical weapons in built-up areas, for ethnic cleansing, for the destruction of homes and annexation of land, for starving a whole, already impoverished population into political submission, for the expulsion of an entire ethnic group, for the slaughter of women and children, for the acceptibility of the killing of hostages, for the day-to-day humiliation and persecution of the citizens of an entire city..... is added to your "all male Pakistanis are cultural perverts", "Travellers are prominent in keeping slaves", "there is nothing wrong with holding inflamatory sectarian marches in the middle of peace negotiations".... right down to your hint that maybe immigrants with aids should not receive medical treatment.... are now an archived and accessible part of your C.V. - just like Sabra and Shatila are part of Israel's.
As far as I can see, you've summed up your attitude to all debate with your also classic "I'm just putting Israel's" point of view, and then going on to accuse those who oppose you (just about everybody here) as "prejudiced" - YOU REALLY COULDN'T HAVE MADE THAT ONE UP IF YOU WERE A SCRIPTWRITER FOR MONTY PYTHON!!!
In your defence, I don't think I've ever come across anybody who is prepared to put the time and effort into your racism, bigotry and xenophobia that you have shown yourself willing to - keep up the good work.
Jim Carroll