The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141550   Message #3258969
Posted By: Bobert
17-Nov-11 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Republicans to Invade Iran???
Subject: RE: BS: Republicans to Invade Iran???
Nah, it ain't that at all, LH...

One party has made it perfectly clear that they'd like to Deep Six the New Deal...

One party is perfectly happy seeing the disenfranchisement of voters... 70,000 older black voters have been removed from the voting roles in SC for the crime of being born at home 60 years ago...

One party has actively used it's power to kill unions...

One party thinks that corporations are people...

One party stole a presidential election...

One party thinks that using goons to scare people from town hall meeting is fine...

One party has threatened to use 2nd amendment remeidies against folks who do not agree with them...

I mean, get off the GfinS Fantasy Bus and smell reality for a change...
