The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25889   Message #325907
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
24-Oct-00 - 03:46 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Subject: RE: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Portland Oregon is in her full fall swing. Native maples are losing leaves fast, and walking in the maple woods is so much brighter in the day! Streams are beginning to carry a steady trickle, but except in the sheltered gullies, and cedar bogs, the ground is still thirsty. Mushrooms are abounding, with Lobster, Chantrelle, Stropharious, Russella, Oyster, Leppiota, Agaricus, to name a few.

Plenty of rain, with warmish sunny days too. No frost here yet, and the nights, though cool, barely get into the thirties yet. Snow is staying on the top two thousand feet of Mt. St. Helens, leaves are accumulating on the ground in town.
The quality of the sunlight is wonderful as the angle diminishes it's intensity, is seems to become more yellow... Coyotes are howling regularly. Squashes finished this week, tomatoes are still striving, Morning Glories are done advancing, Sunflowers are done.
Hillsides are streaked with yellow and moss is fleshing out again with it's vibrant dark green. Fishermen line the big rivers, and silently wait for fish I know not of....