The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6015 Message #3259271
Posted By: GUEST,Rochelle Vaughan
18-Nov-11 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: Greensleeves ... Whence the name?
Subject: RE: GREENSLEEVES ... Whence the name?
I have dreams or "visions" in which truths are gently communicated, that to my constant amazement are either verified or make perfect sense. In one case, quite randomly, without my inquiry, I was told that "Greensleeves" was, in its original form a ballad about the God of Love, at that time being worshiped as Jesus Christ and his relationship to the world he gave his life for. The world is "greensleeves" being obviously clothed in green, but also on a second level, green is a color associated with the status of the courtesan at that time, which is the theological reference to men as the subjects of God. It was commonplace, at that time, for religious ballads to be co-opted by secular minstrelsy and vice-versa.