The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6015   Message #3259340
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
18-Nov-11 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Greensleeves ... Whence the name?
Subject: RE: GREENSLEEVES ... Whence the name?
I don't believe any of that. Nobody has written anything about anybody's sleeves before or since. The name is probably a corruption of the gaelic 'sliebh' for mountain.

And no matter how many guys quote other guys about the song being Italian, it is not particularly Italian. It uses Am, G, C and E, the chords of the harmonic minor of the C scale, and they'd been around for centuries by the time Greensleeves was written.

Its format is simple. There's an A part which is mostly minor, and there's a B part. The B part starts out major and returns to the minor so you can play A again. Many, many tunes do this.

Why can't we just enjoy a beautiful, beautiful composition without bringing in whores, snot, specious mythology, etc?