The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3259379
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Nov-11 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"Jim, you are being dishonest."
NO I AM NOT - WE HAVE CONSTANTLY DISCUSSED MASSACRES - WHAT YOU ACTUALLY WROTE WAS NO MASSACRES AT ALL indicating that you were referring to all of them that had been pointed out to you,
Is there no end to your lying?
And your lying about having a source for your " Male Pakistani implant" claim.....?
I was just looking through your hysterical torrent of abuse at my observing similarities between the massacre of Jews and the massacre of Palestinians. I wuld have found it deeply insulting if it had not come from somebody who sees no racism in the claim that "All male Pakistanis have a cultural implant which makes them sexual threats to young girls"
The fact that you now write this off as "some statements you had taken your doctrinaire exception to" confirms me that you are both a hypocrite and a closet (highly selective) racist - so please feel free to regard me as an Anti-Semite if you feel it covers your own racism in any way.
Don't you take exceptioon to such blatent racist stereotyping - silly question, of course you don't!!
- I HAVE NEVER COMPARED LIKE WITH LIKE, nor would I, but the slaughter of any group of human beings because they are in the way of political or territorial ambition is bound to attract such claims of similarities as far as I'm concerned.
"1. Continue to treat the Palestinians the way they are presently"
You mean to continue the persecution, humiliation, attempts to starve them into submission...
How about treating them as the human beings they are....
Whatever the military and political problems, the Israelis claim to fame has been the deliberate slaughter and persecution of civilians - now apparently even accepted by Keith - albeit grudgingly.
Jim Carroll