The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141558   Message #3259524
Posted By: Morris-ey
18-Nov-11 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: popularisation and commercialisation of roots/trad
Subject: RE: popularisation and commercialisation of roots/trad
Good Soldier: how has modern jazz survived?it is not popular or commercial, how has modern art survived it is not popular.
your comment is simplistic and a sweeping generalisation.

My aphorism was not meant to be taken too literally (always a mistake on a folk music board) so to explain to the harder of understanding:

If something has too few practitioners it will die;

If it has sufficient practitioners it might survive;

If it has sufficient practitioners and is something that sufficent people want to buy it will certainly survive until fashions change.

Jazz, like folk, is a niche market where there are enough amateurs to keep it going - some can even make a living from it.

Modern art is beyond my understaning but can be hugely commercial.