The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3259993
Posted By: MGM·Lion
19-Nov-11 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Thank you, Keith. I still am a bit vague about it all; but I seem to recall, Jim, thanks to this reminder, that it was not just Keith who was trying to keep the thread on track in relation to a particular set of statistics recently published; but Lizzie, Bruce, and several others as well as myself; in the face of some point-missing (& in at least one case abusively inaccurate speculations as to my excretory arrangements on which I do not need to be more specific} denunciations of racism from some others. I can't see that anything was said particularly similar to the remark you think I should take exception to if it related to Jews rather than to Pakistanis: I am not aware of any Jewish activity resulting in a statistic of the sort we were addressing ourselves to having ever been referenced, except conceivably in Nürnberg in 1934 where the Will was Triumphant, or having ever featured in any news medium. If any such Jewish-based statistic had arisen for consideration then the case would be altered, would it not? I cannot know for sure in the abstract how I would react to any conclusion that might be drawn from consideration of such a phenomenon.

Hope that addresses your point, Jim.
