The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3260217
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
19-Nov-11 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
""Stop using the word "Holocaust" in relation to Israel or we shall all KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are an antisemite.""

Michael, purely in the interests of balance in debate, do you not at times feel that the Israelis are much too inclined to use their victim status as a weapon to prevent criticism of their actions?

Whenever anybody attempts to take them to task for their arrogance and intransigence (both of which you have acknowledged to exist) they are likely to respond with a reference, direct or implied, to the Holocaust.

The phrase "What's sauce for the goose....etc" does tend to present itself, even to those of us who are not "anti" anyone.

We have a number of people on this thread who are, like myself and you, of the opinion that both sides need to give way to some extent, and ranged against us a few who cannot abide any criticism of Israel, and cannot countenance the idea of Israel being in the slightest responsible for the present hostilities.

This situation, expanded to the World at Large, explains why Israel feels empowered to do exactly as it wishes, regardless of the cost in human life, and call any and all objectors anti semites.

Perhaps you see it differently, but from where I sit Jim's comment, while undiplomatic, has some merit and is worthy of discussion rather than dismissal with accusations of anti semitism.

Perhaps if he had made the same statement using an alternative word?....but then that would have simply been a euphemism.

Don T.