The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26800   Message #326111
Posted By: mousethief
24-Oct-00 - 12:11 PM
Thread Name: Birds on Wires
Subject: RE: Birds on Wires
Flattop, what exactly about the story about Cohen disillusioned you? Is it the fact that he disciplined himself to write a mininum amount each day? I find that if I force myself to write, even when there's nothing good coming, then eventually something good WILL come. The more I'm writing, the more good stuff I'm writing, even if the good stuff is less than 1% of my total output.

Isn't it sort of common knowledge that a professional photographer will shoot an entire roll of film and maybe have one, maybe no saleable images on it? Why should it be any different for poets or songwriters?

Or maybe I just missed something in what you're saying. Wouldn't be the first time, alas.

Keep writing, brothers and sisters!

"Music was the scenery
Jimi Hendrix played loud and free
Sergeant Pepper was real to me
Songs and poems were all you needed."
--Al Stewart
