The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3261325
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Nov-11 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"first show me an instance of any such case of grooming in disproportionate numbers"
So you do believe that Keith had a case when he claimed that "all male Pakistani Muslims have a culturally implanted tendency" which tends them towards paedophelia - at least that's that one out of the way - both you and he are out and out racists.
We discussued at stomach-heaving length why what was happening in small pockets in the North of England regarding the abuse of underage girls was taking place. Keith claimed fairly early on that it was an inbuilt cultural flaw within an entire ethnic community, and refused to consider any other reason put forward. He put more effort into proving that male Muslims were a threat to our 'way of life' and to the safety and well being of our children, and only by curbing their 'cultural urges' could they prevent themselves from preying on young girls
Earlier on in this thread you defended someone who, to me, is obviously guilty of war crimes on the basis that she had not faced trial for those crimes - don't you extend the same right to "All make Pakistani Muslims"?.
The Nazis gave themselves permission to send six million Jews to the gas chambers on the basis that they were racially inferior and a threat to German society. Sorry - apart from the numbers involved (there are only one million Pakistanis living in Britain!) I find an extremely thin dividing line between those twin conclusions.
For me, it is not a good time to discuss racist generalisations while the retrial of racist thugs for killing a young man because he was the "wrong colour" is taking place - such is the consequences of such racist generalisations.
Jim Carroll