The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141413   Message #3261610
Posted By: Don Firth
22-Nov-11 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Subject: RE: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
And people on this thread have been saying much of what is said in the cut-and-paste articles above. Many from "The Daily KOS."

Quelle suprise!!

Nothing to learn here that I don't already know, so I'm off to more productive endeavors.

By the way, GfS, you obviously haven't noticed that many of us whom you accuse of sitting safely at home and urging the OWS demonstrators to go get pepper-sprayed have SPENT CONSIDERABLE TIME OUT THERE ON THE FRONT LINES WITH THE DEMONSTRATORS. ME, FOR ONE.

What have YOU been doing all this time? Besides sneering.

So long. I'm gone. Got a demonstration to go to.

Don Firth