The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141673 Message #3262713
Posted By: The Sandman
24-Nov-11 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
Subject: RE: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
"Surely Dick, the point of the choir is not the output but the participation. I dislike the music that community folk choirs produce but that's not the point. They enjoy what they do and there are people who DO enjoy hearing what they do. They are an activity, not a documentation of the state of a tradition" no, it is one side of the coin, the other side of the coin is the interpretation of the tradition, both your view about the participation and my statement about the interpretation are valid, likewise there are people[ME] who do not enjoy it. but Isnt EFDSS a flagship for ENGLISH TRADiTIONAL MUSIC, so SURELY authenticity should be a criteria?.Dick Miles