The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3262748
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Nov-11 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
A little more time now:
"There HAS been ethnic cleansing BY THE ARAB MOSLIMS from 1948 to 1967"
No there hasn't - there has been a dispute over land in which no side has come out with clean hands. Since then, the Israelis have been pretty widely recognised as the aggressors and the human rights abusers, which is what concerns most of us here.
Many of the victims were not even born in 1967 - let alone 1948.
They have up to the present day been aiming that aggression at civilians - massacres of refugees (among others), chemical warfare, starvation of an already impoverished people, ghettoisation, seziure of land, the wholesale eviction of entire communities, the killing of aid workers (with tax theft
I seem to remember your saying that the Palestinians have no right to occupy the land they are now living on - can you tell us what you feel should happen to they?
The rest of your questions have been long answered - (eye-for-an-eye - remember) - maybe you have the same type of dislexia that Keith has been suffering from for so long.
Jim Carroll