The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3262781
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Nov-11 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"As usual, you answer with an outright lie..."
No it isn't you Zionist little shit.
I replied that the Israelis should treat them as human beings - and the rest of the world for that matter.
The Israelis are the last people in the world to complain of the treatment they have received - I'm quite sure you are aware of the incident where Israeli soldiers billeted themselves with a Palestinian family, were treated with politeness - hospitality even, and in return shat in all their cooking utensils.
Or the Palestinian musician passing through a checkpoint and forced to play for jeering soldiers - chillingly reminiscent of Fania FĂ©nelon.
This is apart from the slaughter of civilians that you and your trained monkey continue to choose to ignore.
I'm getting rather tired of armchair jackbooted thugs demanding answers to made up "facts" and bullying and blustering when they don't get the answers they prefer - you may not have left home with any manners but if you want to behave like that, go and join the Israeli army and pick on some Third-World Arabs who are not in the position to answer back
And I asked you what should happen to the Palestinians - you are the one who suggested that they have no right to their homeland.
Now go and learn some simple manners
Best wishes,
Jim Carroll