The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141673   Message #3262966
Posted By: Bounty Hound
24-Nov-11 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
Subject: RE: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
Confused of Suffolk here, the youtube channel 'about' section says:
'The English Folk Dance and Song Society has, for over a hundred years, worked to record, develop and promote the folk music, dance, song and traditions of our country'

Now that's a fair assesment of my understanding of the purpose of the efdss, having watched the videos of the 'Folk Rising' A young lad (albeit very good) playing blues, a young black girl singing soul/gospel type song, and 'this is the kit' I'm afraid I don't get at all, I'm by no means a purist, I front a folk/rock band, but my question is,how do they fit with the statement above?
