The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141680 Message #3262985
Posted By: MorwenEdhelwen1
24-Nov-11 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Cunmar the Accursed (Brittany)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Cunmar the Accursed (Brittany)
Interestingly, EA Vizetelly, in his 1902 book "Bluebeard: An account of Comorre the Cursed and Gilles de Rais: And summary of tales and traditions" which can be found online, states that "Comor ar Miliguet" (Breton for Comorre the Cursed) was claimed as Bluebeard by older locals in Brittany in the 1900s, and that "until recently (paraphrasing here), people in the area signed (ie crossed) themselves at mention of the miscreant's dreaded name, as one on whom Providence had made a judgement, and being denied entrance to heaven or purgatory, roamed Quencan (near the location of his old castle) in the guise of a wolf, seeking whom he might devour." The reference to "crossing themselves" seems to suggest that Cunmar/Comorre was regarded as a local demon or bogeyman in Brittany, and feared enough that people crossed themselves when mentioning him, at least at the time of Vizetelly's book.