The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3263124
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Nov-11 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
Jim ~ I have repeatedly said that present-day Israel is a grave disappointment to all that my grandfather, father, sister, uncles & aunts [one of my aunts, a distinguished ex-wartime officer, spent time in the 60s as advisor on admin to the Israeli govt at same time as my father was night editor of the Jerusalem Post ~ they shared a Jerusalem flat for a year} stood for and worked for and collected for and strove for. The Israelis are aggressive, territorial, oppressive of their minorities: not what any of us hoped for and dreamed of at all; the very opposite, in fact ~~

So that's 'lip-service', is it? What more do you want, for heaven's sake?

But this doesn't mean that your distorted history of the entire aspiration, the movement, is accurate. You have your own axe to grind, Jim; you are agenda-driven: which blinds you to the difference between reasonable criticism of the activities of certain groups within certain demographics & the 'racism' which you spend your time shrilly denouncing like a demented parrot, in the brief intervals when your head is raised from the sand in which you spend most of the time with it buried. You're 'racist-crazy' the way brother Paul in the song is 'football-crazy': a breath of criticism of anyone, on whatever grounds, whose skin-tincture happens to be slightly different from that of the majority population, has the effect that "The anti-racism has robbed you of The little bit of sense you had". That's why you keep going on irrelevantly about Pakistanis in this thread where they just do not fit. You can't see anything beyond your antiracist blinkers.

The only exception is that ~~

Oh, no ~ I agreed I wouldn't go down that road again, didn't I!
