The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25895   Message #326321
Posted By: Bat Goddess
24-Oct-00 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Webber/Fentiman Hse Concert in Maine/USA
Subject: RE: Webber/Fentiman Hse Concert in Maine/USA
Just to let everyone know I'll be at the West's for the house concert tonight despite having my new (used) car rammed in K-Mart parking lot today. Coulda been worse. Not only was I not in it at the time, but only the passenger side door was mangled. Still in good driving condition, but difficult for a front seat passenger.

Gotta look on the bright side, I guess.

Bat Goddess (about to run out the door to surprise her husband who is dropping his car off at a local garage -- surprise about my car, not about me picking him up.)