The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3263234
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Nov-11 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"what exactly are your specific objections to the behaviour of the Israeli Govenment - I note that you have carefully avoided getting into keith's 'Bedouin' morass - there must be soemthing specific you object to, surely" ~~~

WHY must there, for Christ's sake? It's obviously your hobby to read every report avidly, looking for unspeakable iniquities. So enjoy your warm glow of contempt for the Evil Empire Of Israel. Can't you see why I don't? ~~ the whole thing is just too depressing to contemplate for me to want to go into the details: & you'd find it so too if you shared my history. It might help you to understand if you think of what your sort of person went thru at the time of the crushing of the Hungarian spring back in late 50s; or when you all had to perform that Orwellian trick when Stalinism was denounced by Kruschev in 1956; or when Gorbachev abolished the USSR in 1991...

So my specific objections are the same as yours. I'll take your obviously impartial & objective word for it and join you in shouting 'Boo, Hiss, Bastards! ~ leave those poor lovely Muslims alone to fly their planes into our buildings, you Yiddy shits, and push you back into the sea as they are officially committed by policy to do!'

There - will that do? If not, then go away. I have done. Just let me be and stop rubbing my nose in it, why can't you, you self-righteous little bully...?