The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141673   Message #3263254
Posted By: Mitch the Bass
25-Nov-11 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
Subject: RE: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
The EFDSS web site advertises a job vacancy for a marketing administrator and explains that -

"EFDSS is currently developing its strategy for the next four years...
Focus will be on:
• developing advocacy, lobbying and communication and information strategies;..."

and the job description contains responsibilty including-

"Social Media
• oversee EFDSS' use of social media channels
• seek out, lead on, and motivate others to use all EFDSS social media channels..."

The recently-published EDS magazine includes a flyer called "Board Matters" which outlines the new board members who joined only two weeks ago including one with experience in International Corporate Marketing and one with experience in Strategic IT Management.

John Adams was instrumental in moving the society in the right direction when he was a board member and he continues to be a great advocate. The activities of the EFDSS have grown considerably in the last few years and on-going funding from the Arts Council along with renewed board direction look set to continue this.