The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3263350
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Nov-11 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
".... vast cut and paste.....;."
Do you really have so much trouble with the English language Keith - no wonder you are as every bit as ignorant as you claim.
"Palestinian Authority would be no better for them"
A single matter of opinion, but so what - one group of abusers does not excuse another - you've already tried this one in your defence of abuse (Egypt last time I think).
No-one else has attempted to move them to where they are being poisoned. You claimed that Bedouins were well treated by the Israelis (you claimed it to be "the main plank to my argument, which you have disproved)- you have your proof and yet still you fail to acknowledge that they are not - where's all this "fairness" you keep claiming you have and the rest of us don't?
Have we ever got round to discussion the time restriction put on Palestinians going abroad who lose their citizenship if they overstay their limit - perhaps you have an excuse for this too.
You still have not accepted one single abuse carried out by the Israelis (the subject under discussion) - NOT ONE - unbiased my arse!!
Don is right - it isn't about winning - not with us anyway - it's about sharing information and opinions.
Jim Carroll