The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141673 Message #3263438
Posted By: GUEST,TH Alan
25-Nov-11 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
Subject: RE: EFDSS has a YouTube channel
YouTube videos of traditional singers giving a natural performance are still uncommon. Although there are plenty of perfect recordings lifted from CDs and live stage performances of well-rehearsed songs, it's hard to find examples of older traditional "performances". I think there is a bigger barrier for YouTube than with conventional recording of "reference" material. Individuals seem relaxed about audio recording, perhaps because it is done discretely, but video cameras make people nervous and the prospect of a performance posted onto YouTube elicits a fearful, negative response among older singers. I would love to see "traditional" performances on the EFDSS site but I think it is harder to capture such reference examples than to get the "bloke in his kitchen" videos, or the stage performances. Oh that YouTube were an open-access archive of real "performances" but I fear all the best material will be kept private and restricted access –because of a visceral distrust of YouTube and not because of any copyright issue.