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Thread #141076   Message #3263467
Posted By: Jim Carroll
25-Nov-11 - 03:16 PM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"Do you ever get cross about that Jim?"
My introduction to man's inhumanity to man was in hearing stories of the Holocaust from my uncle (who was a decorated war hero who was among those to entered concentration camps when the Nazis fled)
There is something deeply distressing when the persecuted become the persecuters.
It is you and you alone who has defended inhumanity, the killing and maiming of civilians, by ignoring it, by trivialising it, by disputing that it happened and by suggesting that it is acceptable because others do it.
It is what is happening in Palestine that is under discussion at the moment - of course you can travel the globe and find exploitation, injustice and persecution - want to open a thread about atrocities and war crimes by Britain, the US, Russia, former Yugoslavia, Uganda, Syria.... but do not attempt to justify terrorism, human rights abuses, war crimes.... because they happen elsewhere.
Israel is a powerful terrorist state with a disregard for national boundries when it suits them and a proven contempt for and abuser of human rights.
The fact that it is strongly influenced by religious fanatics - and is a nuclear power - should be of concern to us all (the same goes for Iran BTW.)
As far as I'm concerned, all such states can go to their own chosen hell in a handcart, as long as they don't take the rest of us with them,
Most people on this thread have confined their arguments to human rights abuses against non-combatants - you and you alone have defended those abuses with lies, distortions and simply by denying or ignoring the facts placed before you - though why people should bother is beyond me - you don't read what people write (you don't even deny it - cou can't - it's been pointed out to you so often) and complain when somebody posts anything bigger than a sound-bite.
Can we now assume that the ill-treatment of the Bedouins has been removed from your "let's cover that one up" file, or do you intend to persist with that particularly nasty piece of persecution-defence.
Jim Carroll