The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141413   Message #3263507
Posted By: Bobert
25-Nov-11 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Subject: RE: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Listen, GfinS, here's the deal...

Complain about $$$ in politics...

Complain about disenfranchisement of voters...

Complain about the way we redistrict...

Complain that the two party system sucks...

Those are all things with which Dennis Kucinich and OWS agree...

But to buy into the idea that the government itself is the problem is the oldest Republican trick in the book... No, government isn't the problem... Bad government is the problem... The US is getting its ass kicked by every country in the world that doesn't see their government as the problem...

You can call for the Federal Reserve to be dismantled and then after it is complain that there our currency is getting the shit kicked out of it... See that is Rick Perry, the D student in Economics, talking... The reason that the US is falling behind is because the D students have joined forces with the polluters and crooks and formed a coalition... The polluters and crooks just hire the D students to run the government...

That is the problem... No the Fed... Not a Department of Energy... Not a Department of Commerce... Not federal workers... Not the EPA... Not the Department of Education...

Crooks and polluters are the problem!!!

The End...
