The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141413   Message #3263977
Posted By: Bobert
26-Nov-11 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Subject: RE: BS: Occupy Wall Street; The 99%
Welcome back from the Tea Party, GfinS... A while back your position was that of Rick Perry's on the Fed... When you are not advocating throwing thr baby out with the bathwater then, yeah, you can make some valid points...

The problem I have is that you have not been consistent at all in those regards... One day you are Dennis Kucinich... The next you are a rabid Tea Partier who just thinks we should blow up the government...

Who are you???

As for Geithner??? Wouldn't be my choice but Obama *has* tried to walk a moderate line with Republicans for his first 3 years... Geithner is more than likely a died-in-the-wool Republican but his appointment hasn't gotten Obama one single break from Wall Street... That's less on Obama than the crook and polluters who aren't happy getting 80% of things their way... They want no regs what so ever so they can go back and pull off another meltdown to further redistribute wealth to them...

I don't hear your Tea Party folks clamoring to jail Wall Street crooks and you won't because the Tea Party is owned by the Fat Cats...
