The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141739   Message #3264104
Posted By: GUEST,Bluesman
27-Nov-11 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK women are 'fattest in Europe'
Subject: RE: BS: UK women are 'fattest in Europe'
Always the same answers to every ill. "Poor people" "Deprived backgrounds" " Mentally unwell" " slum housing" crap.

This is the 21st century. The majority of these lard asses living in council owned housing estates do so by choice. They don't want a job, they all seem to want a house five doors away from their mothers. They spend their days lying up on the sofa like a beached whale watching horse racing on television or playing bingo on line. The coffee table is equipped with various remote controls, a six pack of beer, an over flowing ashtray and a couple of packets of contraband cigarettes bought for two quid a go.

When they reach 50, they block up the health service, with heart conditions, bulging varicose veins , piles that resemble a bunch of grapes and develop six asses and cream off every benefit they can by threatening their G.P's and Social Services with their local MP or the newspapers.

They often resort to using one of their national battle cries "I'm disabled" I'm a single mother" "My dodgy uncle used to bounce me on his knee late at night" "I never tasted steak until I was 20".

We keep them, we all pay that little extra on our credit cards to cover the massive bills they run up with online gambling. You can be assured their benefit cheque beats the ass off your monthly salary.

Lazy people eat crap food. They would go to the chip before they would peel a potato, eat crisps on the sofa before they would move their fat ass into a kitchen. I hold no sympathy for them, thankfully they don't last long.