The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141739   Message #3264295
Posted By: GUEST,Lizzie pissed off Cornish
27-Nov-11 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK women are 'fattest in Europe'
Subject: RE: BS: UK women are 'fattest in Europe'
>>"The best about it, some of these sweat boxes actually think they are attractive. All we hear is " they are fun people" big jolly and cheery" "men like something to hold onto " crap.

They sway, stink and are disgusting. The national health service should make it compulsory to stick their fat asses into a bacon slicer.

Oh, another common one is "too fat to work, problem with their glands." So the taxpayer gets the privilege of keeping them."<<

You know, I'm glad I've left this forum now. I left because of this jerk and the fact he's allowed to post on here at all.

Hey, you want to know why women in this country are fat? OK, I'll tell you.

They're overweight because they're unhappy.

They are NOT allowed to be women you see. They are now pressurised into being Ladettes, the worst kind of Blokes, but wrapped up in Boobs and Bags.

From early on they are given messages that it's cool to be loud-mouthed, coarse, rude, drunk and overweight. Most of them are overweight due to alcohol, as it's loaded with sugar, but many folks don't understand this, seeing it as 'drink' rather than 'food'.

In men the booze fat goes to their bellies, in women, it goes all over...

They are now little more than sex objects, and regard men as little more than that either.

They are not allowed to be soft, feminine or shy.

They are not allowed to be maternal.

They have their 'kids', then scream at them, for they have never known love, in so many cases, so they do not know how to show it.

They are married several times over, or have so many fellas they can't remember all their names, least of all who is the father of which of their babies, none of whom they love.

They're told they must work 24/7, so they farm the kids out to others, having no time for them when they pick them up and take them home. If possible the kids will have breakfast at school, then stay there all day, taking work home too, but also doing after-school classes, in school, where often they now live from 6am to 6pm in some cases...

In the evenings they watch 'Eastenders' to catch up on who is shagging whom, what fashions they're all wearing, who's showing the most cleavage, or murdering their neighbours, stealing their babies etc...

Then, on a good day, they can watch The X Factory which churns out more of the lookalikes at every given opportunity, dumbing them down to an even deeper level....

Then, it's off to the pub or the club, where they can booze the night away in a Ladette's Night Out, arriving by 40foot pucepink limo, throwing up on the way home, spilling their souls on to the pavement..and waking the next morning, either alone, with kids they loathe screaming for attention in the background, or next to a bloke they've not a clue about...

This is their they start the day with a drink, hell WHY NOT!!!

This is what our society has created for these poor souls....and their even more poor children...

On and on and bloody on it goes...

Little girls dressed as Lolitats, Mum's with boobs hanging out, no self-respect, no self-esteem, no self-worth...

Once, they were ALL sweet little girls, who dreamt of Princes and Love, but along came modern society, who threw a few Bratz Dolls their way, hooked them up to the Paedophilic Music and Fashion industry and then, sat back and waited.......


Les Girls learned fast that either they joined in, became like 'all the rest' or they'd be ostracised entirely....

So out comes the Booze....Out come the Boobs...

Out goes The Soul.....Out goes The Spirit..

And a whole NEW Spirit awaits, dressed in fancy bottles, that numbs the searing pain of having to endure this shitty life which surrounds them..and pretty soon they learn that the booze numbs things so much, if you drink enough of it, for long enough, that life becomes almost bearable, almost 'fun'...

But late at night, as the stars come out and shine on to the bed of the Lost Lassies, the Sweet Little Girl tries to find her way out from The Spirits which now consume the person she's become...and just for a moment, a crystal tear runs down the chubby face, over the voluminous boobs, the duvet comfortable tummy, and into the lost dreams of a young woman, so lost, so unhappy, so fragile....that now and then Death seems to be preferable to this terrible thing called Life which she is having to endure... she drinks a little the hope that one day maybe her broken heart will literally break under her own weight. Until that day she comes, she hides the tears which, if she let them flow, would weigh four times as much as she does, such is her pain, her anguish, her distress.....

That's all, folks..