The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141755   Message #3264508
Posted By: pdq
27-Nov-11 - 10:42 PM
Thread Name: Whereabouts of Barbara Dane?
Subject: RE: Whereabouts the Barbara Dane
The "Anthology of American Folk Songs" mentioned above has been issued yet again, this time under its original title "When I Was a Young Girl"

It has the same track list but is supposed to be re-mastered. Probably better sound quality, but I would have no way of knowing that without having both here at the same time to listen to.

Here is what Amazon sez:

# Audio CD (October 19, 2009) {another site sez it was 2011, just about one month ago}
# Number of Discs: 1
# Label: Essential Media Group
# ASIN: B002TG4DC4