The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26881   Message #326456
Posted By: hesperis
24-Oct-00 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: Complete BS: Star Wars Names
Subject: RE: Complete BS: Star Wars Names
My mother sent this formula to me a year ago from the newsgroup for Creatures. I found it among my old emails when I was clearing things out. (Creatures is a silly computer game. It's lot of fun, just silly. Sort of like this thread.)

Thanks for the link, Matca. I did a perfunctory search but missed it.

For middle names go back a maternal generation each time: first middle name, use the first 2 letters of your first middle name plus the first 2 letters of your maternal grandmother's first name... and so on. (I played around with mine quite a bit.)

If you don't like what the formula comes up with, just make it up!

Patma Pade sounds interesting... LOL! What about Spama Pade? We all know you as Spaw anyway! (Spah-mah Pah-day, all syllables short and percussive.)

Campfire - do you know what street you were born on? Would that change it to something workable? (I'm thinking "Dawma Witi" or something like that.) I wrote that and then saw your second post. Funny, that still ends up with a 'witch' association. Hmmm.

Lepus - I would advise you to completely make something up. That was awful!

And may the Force be with you all.