The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141076   Message #3264577
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Nov-11 - 03:44 AM
Thread Name: Palestine (continuation)
Subject: RE: Palestine (continuation)
"The incursion was solely in response the the Gazan missile offensive."
The report says differently - do you have any evidence on this?
Te only "evidence" here is that you are six times more likely to be killed if you are Palestinian than if you are if you are Israeli - simple mathematics.
"it is extremely difficult to give that statement the slightest credence."
Being a fair-minded it is impossible to find anywhere on this thread one single example of your accepting wrongdoing on the part of the Israelis; massacres, armed incursions on built-up areas, attempts to starve into submission, ghettoisition, mass eviction to toxic rubbish-dumps, the use of deadly chemical weapons, the slaughter and endangerment of civilian "hostages", the killing of aid-workers, attributing the bringing of relief, daily persecution and humiliation of an entire population, the confiscation of taxes essential to maintaining essentials, the sezure and destruction of homes...... you have either actively defended and justified all of these, claimed they haven't happenned or have given them your nod of approval by your silence.
Now that's what I call being even-handed and fair!!!!!!!
"stated it could have been illegal"
No - the UN has stated that it could be illegal - you have described it as harmless
Jim Carroll