The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141739   Message #3264912
Posted By: VirginiaTam
28-Nov-11 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK women are 'fattest in Europe'
Subject: RE: BS: UK women are 'fattest in Europe'
I am not a UK woman. I am an American woman living in the UK. You know... one of the notoriously fat Americans.

I had only little extra weight (about 15 pounds or little over a stone heavier than optimum) while I lived in the US. But I was active and pretty fit, otherwise I would have been more like both of my parents who were/are obese. Oddly enough their parents were slim.

In 2005, I lost my daughter, the shock sent my autoimmune system into a tizzy and left me with rheumatoid arthritis the pain of which has made me sedentary.

Being married to a vegetarian I don't eat terrible foods, or large portions for that matter. Drink is limited to about once a month a pint or couple of glasses a wine. My favorite food is ice cubes and favorite drink is water.

Now 70lb heavier than I was 6 years ago.

Swimming is the recommended activity and I can do without further taxing already inflamed ankles, hips and shoulders. However the community pool which has steps by which I can access, is no where near bus stop. Also my work is no where near a bus stop. So early morning swim would be very expensive having to take taxi to and from the pool.

I am an example that there is usually more than one thing going on in any case of obesity.